The big day has been set. You and your fiancé have chosen the perfect day to begin your life together. Rings are waiting to be worn and your wedding dress and tuxedo hang patiently. This is just a small list of the things that you do for the wedding date. But are you prepping yourself for the marriage? At Mission Viejo Christian Counseling we can help you prepare for the lifestyle of marriage not just the event of the wedding.

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(424) 438-2888

The focus of premarital counseling is to give you and your betrothed a place to talk about the cares, concerns, and dreams you have for the future. It is a place for you to share parenting choices, financial concerns, as well as decide on the roles of each parent. These may seem like small issues. As you move into a lifestyle of marriage you will find that sometimes the smallest of issues can cause the biggest disagreements.

Through faith-based counseling, you can acquire the skills needed to develop a lasting relationship with your spouse. This can also help you achieve a deeper commitment level as you begin a life together as husband and wife.

One of the main goals of premarital counseling is to help a marriage thrive. Here are a few of the benefits that will help your marriage survive the tough moments.

Understanding Each Other’s Values and Beliefs 

Premarital counseling will give you a place to discuss the things that you value when it comes to parenting, life, and success. Understanding each other’s beliefs before being committed to a lifelong relationship is an important factor in marriage. You can also understand how to learn to compromise as you build a life with your spouse.

Improve Conflict Management and Communication 

We all have faced times of lack of communication. Marriages can face some type of conflict each day. The great thing about Mission Viejo Christian Counseling is that our counselors understand this. They are ready to help you and your fiancé learn how to communicate without being detrimental to the marriage.

Creating a Life of Deeper Purpose 

We all know that marriage is more than just a wedding, a home, and kids. Marriage is a way of life. It is about creating a duo that is better together than alone. Marriage is creating a life that has meaning and purpose.

Understanding the Style and Needs of Communication 

Each of us has different needs when it comes to communication. Some of us may need to talk through the stress while others just want to be left alone. Learning to understand these needs is one part of premarital counseling that will ensure you and your fiancé can communicate in the hard times.

Learning to Work as a Team 

Marriage is not a 50-50 relationship. It takes 100 percent from each person to make it work. When you focus on how to work through the struggles as a team and not as two individuals, you can overcome the obstacles. Through premarital counseling, you can create a dynamic that builds a strong relationship that is founded on togetherness.

Deciding to get premarital counseling is a big step for a couple who is getting ready to make a life together. Choosing the right counselor will give you the tools you need to create a partnership that will last.

To prepare for your first session you will want to be ready to answer questions about your values and ideas of how you want to pursue marriage. You may be presented with an assessment. It is important to remember to have an open mind about these questions and the answers your partner will give.

Premarital counseling focuses on topics that have been known to be areas of struggle in marriages. These topics include but are not limited to:

  • Parenting
  • Career
  • Spiritual beliefs
  • Family history
  • Race
  • Hopes
  • Fears
  • Expectations
  • Relationship/intimacy preferences
  • Family interaction

There have been many studies that have shown that premarital counseling does have a positive impact on the type and length of marriage couples have after counseling. There seems to be a higher commitment within the relationship. It has also shown that the divorce rate of couples who attended premarital counseling is lower.

Not only does premarital counseling decrease the chance of divorce, but it also enhances the ability of the couple to work through difficult situations. The counselors at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling give you faith-based tools to resolve conflict and maintain a quality relationship.

To get connected with a counselor in the Mission Viejo area contact Mission Viejo Christian Counseling and set up an appointment to get started with your premarital counseling sessions.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 438-2888