There are times when we face situations that seem to overwhelm us. We need help processing certain issues. Talking through these situations can be the difference between a healthy lifestyle and a life of anxiety or depression. Just because you are seeking counseling doesn’t mean you are not a productive person. It simply means that there are things you just need to work through to be a better you.

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(424) 438-2888

Individual counseling focuses on personal issues that you may face. It involves talking to a counselor as you determine the cause and effect of certain types of difficulties. The goal of individual counseling is to help you achieve a healthy state of overall well-being.

There are many reasons a person seeks to participate in counseling. There is no specific guideline to direct you as to whether or not you need individual counseling.

These are the most common reasons someone may seek individual counseling:

  • Substance abuse
  • Loss of employment
  • Grief
  • Strained relationships
  • Emotional strains
  • PTSD
  • Behavioral issues
  • Mental disorders (OCD/Social Anxiety/ADHD)

There are a few different types of counseling that the counselors at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling implement for individual counseling. The choice depends on the person, the issues, and the goal. For the counselor to create the best plan it is important to be honest about your reasons for seeking counseling.

Cognitive behavioral therapy: This is the most commonly used therapy type for individual counseling. It centers around the person and their thought processes and behavior. Through CBT individuals are given the skills to replace negative patterns with positive ones.

Psychodynamic therapy: Counselors may choose to use this when it is necessary to help the individual understand how emotional and mental processes affect behavior.

Acceptance and commitment therapy: The use of this counseling type centers on increasing the awareness of thoughts and emotions.

Dialectical behavior therapy: Individuals undergoing this type of counseling will learn to cope with stress and work on relationships.

Interpersonal psychotherapy: This counseling type focuses on building relationship skills.

The advantages of counseling will greatly depend on how much you choose to put into the sessions. Choosing to engage in the activities the counselor suggests will enhance the benefits that you will receive.

One of the biggest advantages is that you will begin to discover your passions and beliefs. This will help you gain an understanding of who you truly are. Discovering and understanding yourself can help you understand what strategies will work for you when it comes to emotional issues.

A few other advantages are:

  • Identifying and understanding the root of some issues
  • Learning coping strategies
  • Understanding and making lifestyle changes

When you decide to obtain individual counseling it is important to connect with the right counselor. You want to be sure that you will be comfortable talking about yourself and the issues you are having. The first question would be whether or not you prefer a counselor that is the same gender, race, or spiritual belief. The counselors at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling can help you answer this question.

Some other questions you may want to ask could be:

  • What credentials do you prefer?
  • What time will be the best?
  • Is this covered by my insurance?
  • Is online individual counseling an option for me?

There are several ways to engage in counseling. Online counseling has become more popular since the covid pandemic. The advantage of online counseling is that you don’t have to commute to the counselor’s office. This can be very beneficial if it is hard for you to get time off during the day or if you are traveling.

It has been noted that online counseling is just as effective as face-to-face counseling. Regardless of which method you choose, it will depend on how you engage with the counselor.

Most of the time the first session will revolve around you and the counselor getting to know one another. This will include answering questions about yourself, your background, and your family. You may also be asked to share some medical history.

This is also a great opportunity for you to discover whether or not the counselor will be a good fit for you. The last thing you want to do is remain in counseling with a counselor that makes you uncomfortable. Being comfortable with your counselor is essential to your counseling success.

Remember, life can be challenging and we all need to be able to understand how to face those challenges. Individual counseling is one tool that we can use to help us develop the skills we need to make positive and rewarding decisions.

If you would like to talk with a counselor in the Mission Viejo California area, please call Mission Viejo Christian Counseling to see if our services are right for you.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 438-2888