There are times when you need to know that you are not alone in your struggles. You want to gather with others who understand the situation and support you in your journey to recovery. This is something as Christians we are summoned to do by Jesus. That is why Christian group counseling can be a great tool to help you navigate your challenging circumstances.

Christian group counseling gives you the opportunity to be with others who not only share the struggle but your faith as well. The counselors at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling are ready to help you find the perfect group counseling program.

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(424) 438-2888

Group counseling consists of one counselor and a group of people who are experiencing similar issues in life. The group will meet at a designated time for each session. The group size is normally less than 20. For the bigger groups, two counselors will be present to facilitate the group session.

The purpose of group counseling is to allow individuals the opportunity to attend counseling sessions with other people who are struggling with the same issue. It gives the individual a sense of not being alone and to become encouraged in the situation.

By attending group counseling you allow yourself to get an insight into other ways to handle the circumstance. When you see that others are facing the same dilemma you can gain hope that someone truly understands what you are going through.

Whether you are a person who works through problems by talking or one who listens, group counseling can provide that space for you. Mission Viejo Christian Counseling can help you find this group.

The groups at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling can be open or closed. An open group allows members to join at any time, while a closed group consists of members who start the group at the same time. The counselor will create a group that consists of members with similar difficulties.

Depending on the type of group you are joining, you may be in a gender-specific group. However, there are times when a mixed-gender (men and women) group would be more beneficial.

Group counseling is based on sharing your situation with others who will understand. It is more effective when you share what you are experiencing. There is no rule that you have to share, but it is recommended. It is up to you whether you decide to share. You can share as little or as much as you feel comfortable sharing.

It is important to remember that the group counseling sessions are confidential and members are not to share what others have said.

To gain the most benefit from group counseling it is best to speak with a counselor. The counselors at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling will help you find the right group.

The first thing is to find a group that will give you a sense of support as you navigate your situation. Sometimes it may mean that you attend more than one group to find the right fit for you. You want to be sure that you find a group that will encourage you to engage in the conversations so that you can fully understand how group counseling will help you overcome your difficult situation.

There are a few different types of groups that counselors use to create a safe sharing space. These are the most common types of group counseling:

Cognitive behavioral groups involve focusing on a certain behavior that leads to destructive behaviors. An example of this type of group would focus on substance abuse. These groups revolve around learning strategies to understand what triggers these behaviors and learn how to manage them.

Support groups help members understand and cope with impactful life changes. These groups revolve around the unconditional acceptance of each person. This group centers on encouraging members to meditate on personal beliefs and the behaviors that are connected to those beliefs.

Psychoeducational groups focus on helping members learn about their conditions and how to implement coping skills. Most of these groups concentrate on certain disorders, phobias, or behaviors.

Interpersonal process groups are used to encourage positive changes. These groups center on the way a person’s life has affected their behaviors and personality.

Skills development groups introduce skills that members with certain mental health conditions will need to learn to cope with daily situations.

As you begin your group counseling you will find that there are certain things that you can expect. The sessions will normally be held at the same time every week and typically at the same location.

You will meet other members and hear a bit of an introduction as to who they are and why they are in the group. You can also expect that there will be activities focused on engaging in open conversations and establishing trust.

If you feel that group counseling is something that will benefit you in your current circumstance, please reach out to the counselors at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling. The counselors are here to help you gain a faith-based perspective on overcoming your situation. Contact the office today to schedule an intake call or appointment.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 438-2888