There are times when a family is faced with a difficult situation and needs some help working through the hard times. When a family faces situations such as death and relocation, counseling can give the guidance needed to navigate those tough times. Family counseling at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling is a great place to get your family started in the process of overcoming these situations.

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Family counseling is a type of group counseling used for families who are facing difficult situations. The most common type of counseling uses talk therapy to focus on relationships, behaviors, and family issues. Family counseling can also be effective in treating the mental health and behavioral issues of one person in the family unit.

Family counseling takes place in a setting where each family member can participate and voice the opinions and concerns they have. A counselor is present to help provide guidance and support in a way that will benefit your family.

Since family counseling focuses on addressing the issues that families sometimes face, family counseling can be beneficial in restoring relationships. There is also the possibility that families can learn skills needed to resolve family conflict when it arises.

Family counseling can also help the dynamics of a blended family learn how to function in a new way. Blended families can be a challenge to everyone involved. Counseling can help you learn how to function as a family while remaining connected to the outside parents.

When it comes to parenting teenagers, there are no guidelines that will help you prepare for every situation your teen will face. Family counseling with Mission Viejo Christian Counseling can help you learn to support your teen while they adjust to the changes they face mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Because it is an evidence-based treatment, family counseling uses conversations to work through the issues your family is facing. Together your family will learn skills to overcome the situations and learn how to have hard conversations.

The initial session may include a Q&A type of conversation so the counselor gets to know you and your family. The counselor may also ask each member to voice concerns and hopes about the family dynamics.

The frequency and amount of sessions will depend on the family and the need. The level of participation of the family members will also play a part in how long the sessions will continue.

Because it is an evidence-based treatment, family counseling uses conversations to work through the issues your family is facing. Together your family will learn skills to overcome the situations and learn how to have hard conversations.

The initial session may include a Q&A type of conversation so the counselor gets to know you and your family. The counselor may also ask each member to voice concerns and hopes about the family dynamics.

The frequency and amount of sessions will depend on the family and the need. The level of participation of the family members will also play a part in how long the sessions will continue.

Family counseling revolves around the dynamics of the family and focuses on each member having a role in the process.

Depending on the issue and family type, your counselor at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling will put together a faith-based treatment plan.

Functional family therapy is used to help families who are experiencing a situation with a child who has behavioral problems.

Strategic family therapy applies to families that want to make positive changes in the family environment.

Structural family therapy focuses on the relationships and boundaries within the family. It will take into consideration the roles/hierarchy of the members and their interactions.

Systemic family therapy takes into consideration the family issues and the overall context of the house and its dynamics.

When you have younger children you always want to make decisions that will benefit them. This includes the decision to have the family participate in family counseling. It is important to remember that younger children may not understand what is going on but they sometimes take on the blame for any dysfunction that may be going on within the family.

Another reason to include children is that they tend to be good at hiding their needs and pain. They don’t want to add to the struggle that their parents are already facing. It is important to engage with them during the family counseling sessions and let them know they can speak freely about their struggle.

If your family is experiencing discontent and struggling to maintain a healthy home environment, it could be beneficial to talk to a counselor at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling. Our counselors are ready to help your family create a healthy home with healthy boundaries.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 438-2888