Having a solid relationship is important for every couple. Whether you are married or dating couples counseling can help you create this solid foundation. Deciding to attend couples counseling is the first step to letting each other know that the relationship is important. Mission Viejo Christian Counseling can help you and your partner learn skills that will help you maintain a growing relationship.

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Couples counseling is a form of counseling that focuses on resolving problems and improving relationships through talk therapy. There are techniques that can be used to teach couples how to work together to create a healthy and growing relationship.

Counselors at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling lead couples through faith-based principles that will help couples understand the challenges they face in their relationships. Each couple is different so the counseling technique will differ for each couple. The counselor will ensure that each person has the opportunity to voice concerns and desires. This will help improve the communication between the couple.

The major difference between marriage and couples counseling is that marriage counseling focuses more on the now of the relationship. Couples counseling focuses on the now and incorporates the past. This will help with understanding any unhealthy behaviors that may be the cause of any current problems.

Each type of counseling has a specific focus that is geared toward the goal and foundation of the relationship. Couples counseling is centered on helping a couple who has reached a dilemma in whether to proceed to a commitment of marriage. Marriage counseling centers on how to create a lifetime relationship through understanding each other’s perspectives and needs.

No matter what relationship you are in you will have tough moments. The reality is that relationships are hard. It takes time and patience to create a healthy relationship that will grow toward a mutual commitment goal.

Here are a few indicators that counseling may help you and your partner:

  • You feel that you are at a point of dissolving the relationship
  • There seem to be no conflict resolutions
  • Communication has become difficult
  • There has been infidelity
  • You are only invested in the relationship because of the kids.
  • Finances have become a problem
  • Extended family members have become an issue
  • Restoring intimacy

It has been noted in various studies that couples counseling is effective in improving relationships. Many couples have noted that because of couples counseling, they have gained skills that helped them reach a healthy commitment leading to marriage.

Couples counseling is effective in assisting couples in learning to work as a team when they face difficult situations. Mission Viejo Christian Counseling will help the couple implement the proper tools that will continue to become useful in the relationship.

Difficulties with Intimacy: There are many reasons why intimacy may become a problem in any relationship. Medication, stress, or illness are just a few of the more common reasons. Learning to reignite the flame can be as simple as talking through the changes that have affected you or your partner mentally.

Communication Problems: One of the main goals of couples counseling is to promote healthy communication. Without communication, it is difficult to maintain a healthy relationship. Openness in a relationship is the key to having a stable foundation. Communication is also a way to help keep balance in a relationship.

Anger Issues: Anger can be a destructive force in any relationship. It is important for couples to understand that anger will ultimately lead to resentment. This can result in emotional and even physical harm. Conflict will happen but anger should not be part of the interaction. Couples counseling at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling can help you and your partner learn how to navigate conflicts without becoming angry.

Infidelity: Relationships that experience infidelity can cause feelings of betrayal and devastation. This may even cause the relationship to end. Infidelity isn’t just about an affair. The type of therapy will depend on the situation. Regardless of the type of infidelity, couples counseling can assist with getting the relationship back to a healthy place.

Substance Abuse: Substance abuse is never okay. It can cause relationships to become strained and even end. The effects of substance abuse reach farther than just the relationship. For couples counseling to effectively address this issue, the partner with the problem will need to receive treatment as an individual.

Sometimes both partners are suffering from substance abuse. In these cases, couples counseling can help navigate through the recovery process. Having support is the biggest factor in substance abuse recovery. Both partners should support each other.

Consider Couples Counseling

Couples counseling can benefit every couple in some way. If you are wanting to create a foundation for marriage or just rekindle the relationship, Mission Viejo Christian Counseling is ready to help you and your partner. Call the office to make an appointment with one of our counselors today.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 438-2888