Do you find it hard to deal with the sheer volume of thoughts racing through your head? Are you the kind of person your friends would describe as forgetful? Are you always misplacing your phone or your car keys? Do you constantly have a restless energy that makes it difficult for you to sit still? If these things describe you, you may be suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. Though it tends to be associated most often with children and teens, it is a condition that can also have a significant effect on adults. Indeed, if left untreated, it can bring about severe emotional issues and cause problems in relationships, at work, or at school.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 438-2888

Benefits of Christian Counseling for Chemical Dependency

At Mission Viejo Christian Counseling, we understand how difficult it can be to admit that you have a problem, and to seek help. We recognize and honor the courage required to take that first step and will work with you to provide solutions that are tailored to your specific situation. Through faith-based counseling and proven treatment methods, we provide solutions that last. Christian counseling for chemical dependency can give you the tools you need to overcome your addiction and return to sobriety.

Here is what to expect from Christian chemical dependency treatment in Mission Viejo:

Help to get and stay sober – The Christian counselors at Mission Viejo Christian Counseling are skilled at helping people who struggle with chemical dependency move from addiction to a healthy lifestyle.

Addiction education– Chemical dependency often stems from a deep sense of pain. A variety of things my lie at the root of this pain, such as trauma, abuse, depression, or other mental health issues. Your counselor can help you dig down to the root of your addiction and help you learn to deal with your pain in more constructive ways.

Guidance and support for your family – An addict’s family will struggle with a lot of their own problems. We provide support and guidance during your recovery, helping them understand your addiction.

A safe environment for healing – We offer a place where you can find support and compassion. Our goal is to empower you and give you hope and strength through faith-based counseling and the love of Christ.

Enhanced relationship with God – Getting yourself right with God is the best thing you can do to set yourself on the path to freedom from chemical dependency. Your counselor will help you draw on the ultimate source of redemption, healing, and inner peace that is found in the grace of God.

If you are sick of being a slave to substances, let us help you find freedom. Healing from addiction is not instantaneous, but by the grace of God, it is possible through the help of Christian counseling for chemical dependency.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 438-2888