Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder that affects many teens throughout the United States. These teens can experience a plethora of mood changes differently than adults. Teens are still developing physically, emotionally, and mentally. One of the most common and intense moods that teens with bipolar disorder face is bipolar rage.

Understanding the anger.

Bipolar rage can sometimes go undiagnosed because all teens are affected by hormonal changes that can cause similar appearing mood swings. These highs and lows can cause an intense episode of irritability leading to rage. Rage, or anger, is not a symptom of bipolar disorder. However, many teens who suffer from bipolar disorder find themselves caught up in the emotion of anger.

Anger and agitation are normal responses in certain situations, experienced by most people at some time. When the emotions generated by the angering situation prompt a loss of control, it becomes known as rage. The aftermath of an episode of rage can have devastating impact, including depression.

For most teens who struggle with bipolar rage, this moment of uncontrollable anger may not have a trigger. Likewise, there is usually nothing planful or intentional in their rage. Even the teen’s struggle to maintain control can intensify the anger and only cause more chaos. Also, they often do not intentionally choose a target for this rage. This also adds to the feeling of not being in control.

Calming techniques for teens to help with bipolar rage.

You can help your teen navigate the chaos of bipolar rage by using some of the following techniques to counter the intense rage.

Relaxation techniques.

Deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation can assist your teen in releasing the tension associated with the chaos of an episode.


When your teen engages in physical activity, it can reduce the effects of the mood swings, especially bipolar rage.

Social support.

Teens can greatly benefit from having a support system that they can trust not to judge them.


Writing has proven to be an excellent tool in reducing stress and can also help with identifying triggers.

Be mindful.

Teens can reduce stress and triggers by having a routine, including a time of prayer and scripture reading. Being mindful of who they are and their beliefs can assist in the battle against bipolar rage.


Christian counselors can help tremendously. Your teen can identify triggers and learn how to build coping skills.

Help for the parent dealing with bipolar rage.

Learning to help your teen navigate episodes of bipolar rage is one of the most important choices you can make. When you know what to do, your teen will begin to feel confident that there is always help. Here are some ways you can help your teen navigate this chaos.

Remember they are not intentionally angry at you.

Even though you seem to be the target of their rage, there is typically an underlying issue. Take time to step back and ask what is causing their anger.

Use positive engagement.

When you talk to them in a positive way, your teen will be able to cope better. If they realize that they can talk about what is going on with their emotions, they will be more likely to open up.

Help them remember the techniques they can use.

Guiding your teen through a journaling exercise or prayer time can help them focus on something other than the chaos that is overwhelming them.

Understand bipolar rage.

Talk to a professional so that you can understand what this rage is, why it occurs, and how to help identify the triggers.

Create an action plan.

It can be helpful to have an action plan written down. This plan can include steps to take that will assist in intervening, gaining control, and encourage calmness.


Bipolar rage is not a symptom of bipolar disorder. It is a reaction to the chaos that bipolar disorder can cause. It is the way a teen responds to the feeling of being out of control. Bipolar rage is not an intentional behavior that a teen with bipolar disorder chooses. They simply have no idea how to handle the intense feeling of anger in the middle of chaos.

Getting help for your teen is as simple as reaching out to a local Christian counselor. When you connect your teen to a Christian counselor they can assist your child, often using scripture and a faith-based treatment plan to help them navigate the emotional mood swings caused by bipolar disorder.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  –  Isaiah 41:10, ESV

“Girl With Fancy Braids”, Courtesy of Kateryna Hliznitsova,, CC0 License; “Girl on a Swing”, Courtesy of Annie Spratt,, CC0 License; “Students”, Courtesy of Getty Images,, Unsplash+ License


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